Tink Tonk

Originally I had this in the learning page but it deserves a page all it's own.

There was a series called Tink Tonk with likeable little characters and great music and lots of fun. My favorite was Tonk in the land of the buddy bots.

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You walked Tonk around buddy bot land in search of missing buddy bot pieces. Several sub games let you build buddy bots or play a concentration like game. Falling in a hole or getting touched by a soldier sent you to the castle. Riding the raft or the sky ride was always a thrill. I have 3 of the 4 original buddy bot games.

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I applaud the genius that decided to put these in hard shell cases. probably why they are still in excellent condition. Now if I could just find the one I'm missing. Tinka's Mazes :)    Anyone? Anyone?

Since I finally figured out how to encode MP3's I have some sound clips from the Buddy Bot game.  Hmm. I just tried to download them and tripod doesn't like the MP3 format...  I'll figure this out later.

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