
It's amazing how one little glitch could be interpreted as naked :) Who knows, maybe it was a strange programmer that did the sprite graphics in such a way that caused this.

smurfette2.jpg (24479 bytes)

The original cartridge and Coleco both do the same thing. If you walk off this screen to the left. It appears a few of the sprites that are used to draw Smurfette get removed before the screen switches. So in an instant, it could be described as I mentioned on the previous page :)

I couldn't resist animating this for a comparison....

Please do not use this without permission. Feel free to link to this naked Smurfette page though :)

It has come to my attention that there are links to this page from sources of a rather mature nature. If you came from one you will probably not find the rest of this site as exciting :) Then again what did I expect calling this a naked Smurfette page ..

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