Up NES SNES N64 Gameboy


I did not get my first NES until 1998. It was not high on my list of collectible game machines. I was a SEGA person. And to this day I can not think of a reason to have a NES besides the nostalgia behind the machine that brought the video game industry back in the mid 80's. I have Super Mario All stars for my SNES so I don't need them on the NES :) Seriously, I don't have anything against it. It just wasn't my thing. Like all consoles it has it's gems and must haves. I have to admit blades of steel on the NES is an all time favorite hockey game. And I have beaten shadowgate on the NES. And I do own final fantasy 1 and both Zelda's but they were not as good as Phantasy Star or Y's :)

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