Altered Beast
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I have to admit I never played this game in an arcade until well after I got it with my first genesis. As simple as it was on the genesis there was still something extremely different about it. Yeah is was a basic side scrolling fight the never ending army of repetition coming at you. And yeah there were power-ups. But it had this little story line to it. And the characters were larger and more detailed. This was standard by the time it came out on the genesis.

But hey, this is in the arcade section and not the console section. Do you know what that means boys and girls? ( I have always wanted to say that :) Take a look at these pics.


sega16ab1.jpg (78324 bytes)

sega16ab2.jpg (67085 bytes)

Yes, it is a Sega system 16 arcade board with the altered beast rom set. I came across this by accident in a trade somewhere. Wow. A game I can legally play on MAME :) As soon as I get better I'll post some screen shots and other cool stuff.

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