8bit Misc
Up Atari 800XL 8bit games 8bit Misc Top 8bit

Not sure where to put this stuff :) So for now it goes here.


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The two best Atari books for game programming.

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I still have a note book from the early 80's Here is a pic of my original notes on Ultima 1. I was keeping track of the quests that the kings sent me on. Not sure how visible it is but I think it's cool. Ultima 1 was the first Atari game I beat. It took me 8 days. 8 days and a total of about 24 hours. It was the first time I played a 3D dungeon game besides the treasure of Tarmin for the intellivision. The wire graphics were not more colorful but they were more detailed.

Here is a real colorful game called wallwar from Sierra OnLine :) This is a fun twitch game.

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